
Friday, December 28, 2012

Life happenings

by oxherder via Flickr
December was an interesting month for me. I managed to find an apartment at the last minute despite having a less than stellar visit to California. Jess and I have been busy planning our cross country road trip while I've also been getting all my ducks in a row to wrap up my life on the east coast. There's been some family drama, as per the usual. I've also been falling fast for a guy friend, in case, you know, there wasn't enough going on.

I'm currently spending an extended holiday stay with my brother, sister in law, and nephew to soak in some extra family time before I head out to the west coast.

Okay, enough about me! Here are some entertaining links I've come across:

Don't tell me what to do!

A fake British PSA on global warming.

Twas the night before Christmas mouse.

My favorite holiday Grumpy Cat.

I hope your December has been great and the new year ahead holds some wonderful opportunities for you!

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